Welcome to our blog!

We'll use this space to write a little diary for the subject called "New Technologies Applied to Education". Appart from making comments on the development of the subject in each lesson, we'll also add our experiencies on the topic and any other interesting videos, articles, pictures... that we find related to the digital world.


Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Maggie goes to the mountain

Hello everyone!

Today we've shown you in class our interactive story (Maggie goes to the mountain), and now we would like your feedback! Would you make any comment on it? How did you find it?

Cheers mates!

1 comment:

nere said...

Ez du inork erantzun! a ze pena! lanez gainezka ibili gara azken aste horietan eta pentsatu nahi dut hori izan dela arrazoi nagusia.

Niri asko gustatu zitzaidan zuen lana.

ESkerrik asko