Welcome to our blog!

We'll use this space to write a little diary for the subject called "New Technologies Applied to Education". Appart from making comments on the development of the subject in each lesson, we'll also add our experiencies on the topic and any other interesting videos, articles, pictures... that we find related to the digital world.


Friday, 26 December 2008

Kontsumo gelak

Last 17th of December, about 15 people from our class went to the Consumption Rooms in Intxaurrondoko in order to take part in a couple of workshops. As we went less people than we thought we would go, instead of two workshops, we just did one: "Publicity in childhood and adolescence". We'll have to leave the other workshop, called "Renewable Energies", for next time.

This workshop about the influence that advertisements have on kids and youngsters happend to be very interesting. It was made in a participative way and taught us many things about publicity that we didn't know (laws, timing for ads, facts, current data...).

It made us think about the powerful tricks of adverts and the huge influence that they have on us. We have took keep this always in mind, guys!

For those who weren't able to go there, but find it interesting, don't worry! We'll make video summarizing what we did there, and we'll upload it here as soon as we finsh it!

See you soon!

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

8th day - Finished with PhotoStory

We've finished our short but meaningful video made with the PhotoStory programme! It's a commemoration of another video created by Mtv, which was banned by the States' government just after its premiere.

A picture speaks a thousand words, so here you go:

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

7th day - Photo Story

Today we've started to create the slide-show with the Photo Story programme and it's gone quite well. It's much easier than the PowerPoint project!

Tomorrow we'll go on with it, trying to insert a song for the projection.

See you tomorrow!

Maggie goes to the mountain

Hello everyone!

Today we've shown you in class our interactive story (Maggie goes to the mountain), and now we would like your feedback! Would you make any comment on it? How did you find it?

Cheers mates!

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

6th day - Learning about PowerPoint

As our next project is to create an interactive story using PowerPoint, in today's class we've learned a few tricks to include different effects in the presentation. For examle: inserting images both as background or as object; transition of slides; inserting sounds & dialogues...

It seems easy to use... let's see how we find it when working in the slides!

Good luck, classmates!

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

5th day - Creating an Interactive Story

After finishing our first team assignement about New Techonologies in Education, let's start with the second one!This time we've got to create an interactive story in English for kids in primary!

Today we've watched 3 interactive stories, which were made last year by 3rd year-students, to give us an idea of what we should do...and if possible, improve!..we'll see..it won't be easy!

After watching these production, we've learned a couple of trics to know how to insert different effects on the slides.

It's something completely new for most us, but I'm sure we'll learn a great bunch of things that can be done with the PowerPoint programme. It 's an exciting project and appart from being really interesting, it also seems to be very useful for our near future as teachers.

Let's put our imagination and creativity into motion!

Come on, classmates! We're already willing to watch your final stories!

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

M-learning and "Menosca Espedizioa"

Hi there!

Surfing in the net we found out an article from Urola Kostako Hitza about Menosca espedizioa, which is an m-learning project for learning romanization in the Basque coast through new technologies. It talks about how secondary students go to the Archaeology and History Museum of Zarautz to learn the romanization process using PDA and GPS technology. They use e-learning and m-learning methodology and the purpouse of it is to use the technology for building up a constructive-learning-model. This one also is an article about m-learning and Menosca Espedizioa from Hik Hasi aldizkaria.

About m-learning, here you go a link for an interesting blog which talks about it and also has a few interesting comments and links for deepening: http://www.karrajua.net/blog/benito/m_learning

Thursday, 6 November 2008

IKASYS Project


IKASYS is a project, elaborated by Ikastolen Elkartea, wich introduces microcomputers with a particular software in schools, initially for primary school students; they use them for working individually in some contents or subjects such as Maths, Euskara, English, etc.

Today the media (TV, radio, etc.) have been talking about the project, and as it could concern us...

"Arbela elektronikoaren magia"

Hi there!

This is an article from Hik Hasi written in 2003 about how a teacher represented the future, where the technology would be used in the day by day teaching experience. It is interesting as it is a kind of utopia, or idyllic representation, where some different technological stuff such as internet, digital chalkboard, etc. are suitable tools for building up meaningful learning processes. As we are somehow in this represented-future-time, it could be interesting to have a look to the article, just for a bit of thinking...

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

4rth day - The Truman Show

Yesterday we watched a movie called The truman Show.
In this film, the main character, Truman, is a man whose life is actually a fake one... Truman thinks he is an ordinary man with an ordinary life, but he doesn't know that the place he lives in is in fact a big studio with hidden cameras everywhere, and that all his friends and people around him are actors who play their roles (obeying the creator's instructions) in the most popular TV-series in the United States: The Truman Show. He is, of course, the star of this serial.

Here the trailer:

If you want to read our comments on this film (fx. how it's related to new technologies...), go to moodle and enter the forum. You'll find many interesting comments!

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

A very useful tool

Hi again!

Do you remember our fabulous Santiago Palacios? Do you remember his brilliant lessons? Then, we're absolutelly sure that you'll remember the big Hot Potatoes! Yes, this great program that we all used last year to create crosswords, quizes, etc.

We think that it is a really useful tool for every teacher using new technolgies on teaching, so it's good to have the link if somebody would like to download it. It's free!


3rd day

Tomorrow we have an appointment with the specialist in new technologies (IKT) in Antigua-Luberri BHI. Therefore, during this lesson we are preparing some questions for the interview in order to get good quality information for our first team assignement.

We have also discovered a blog from Laskurain Ikastola , created for the English subject (http://laskenglish.blogspot.com/), that has been specially designed for their students and it is being developed with both teachers' and students' help. Here you can find many interesting sections, such as GRAMMAR and SKILLS; Selectivity exam; First Certificate Exam; Film reviews...

We've been having a look at the different sections of this blog, and as we found them very intersting and usefull, we've thought that it could be a good proposal for boosting the use of technology in the subject of English.

We'll be back!


New blogger, in different colour!

Hey guys!

We've got a new member, now we're four! So, now we'll be able to give you more interesting writings, comments... Welcome back Beñat!!

Friday, 24 October 2008


Hi there!

Last Tuesday I discovered a new magazine called HAURDANIK. It's done by a Basque organisation (AVAIM) whose objective is to help children who suffer or have suffered mistreatment.

I had look at their last publication (nº 14) and it's related to children and new technologies. It focuses mainly on Internet, but it also mentions mobile phones and other devices.

New Technologies might be a great advantage in Education, but they are also an important source for risks, such as cyberbullying.

Have a look at the articles, some may surprise you!



Tuesday, 21 October 2008

"Cómo nos venden la moto"

This is an interesting book written by Noam Chomsky and Ignacio Ramonet, which analyzes the nowadays society. It talks about groupthink vs. diverging thinking, dealing with the hierarchic system, which is based in the market economy and an imposed consensus, in depth. Also talks about how the power uses the technology, the mass media, the education system, propaganda, disinformation, persuation, social control, vigilance, coercion... just for getting a unitary thought, a pasive, manipulated society.

The book is very interesting as it deals with our actual society's mechanisms in depth and as it could help us to develope a critical thought about the use of the technology, the information and the communication media. So here you go a few interesting paragraphs of the book just for a bit of thinking:

" (...) no se da ninguna facilidad para que los individuos del rebaño desconcertado participen en la acción; sólo causarían problemas. Por ello, necesitamos algo que sirva para domesticar al rebaño perplejo; algo que viene a ser la nueva revolución en el arte de la democracia: la fabricación del consenso. Los medios de comunicación, las escuelas y la cultura popular tienen que estar divididos. La clase política y los responsables de tomar decisiones tienen que brindar algún sentido tolerable de realidad, aunque también tengan que inculcar las opiniones adecuadas. Aquí la premisa no declarada de forma explícita (...) tiene que ver con la cuestión de cómo se llega a obtener la autoridad para tomar decisiones. Por supuesto, la forma de obtenerla es sirviendo a la gente que tiene el poder real, que no es otra que los dueños de la sociedad, es decir, un grupo bastante reducido.

(...) Así, tenemos un sistema educacional, de carácter privado, dirigido a los hombres responsables, a la clase especializada, que han de ser adoctrinados en profundidad acerca de los valores e intereses del poder real, y del nexo corporativo que este mantiene con el Estado y lo que ello representa. Si pueden conseguirlo, podrán pasar a formar parte de la clase especializada. Al resto del rebaño desconcertado básicamente habrá que distraerlo y hacer que dirija su atención a cualquier otra cosa. Que nadie se meta en líos. Habrá que asegurarse que permanecen todos en su función de espectadores de la acción, liberando su carga de vez en cuando en algún que otro líder de entre los que tienen a su disposicicón para elegir (...) aquellos que poseen la capacidad lógica tienen que crear ilusiones necesarias y simplificaciones acentuadas desde el punto de vista emocional, con objeto de que los bobalicones ingenuos vayan más o menos tirando. Este principio se ha convertido en un elemento sustancial de la ciencia política contempránea.

(...) se dirigen mensajes (informaciones y canciones) permanentemente, por medio de cadenas de televisión conectadas por satélite, al conjunto del planeta. (...) mañana serán decenas, que influirán y trastornarán costumbres y culturas, ideas y debates. Y perturbarán como parásitos, modificarán o harán cortocircuito a la palabra de los gobernantes, así como a su conducta. (...) el hombre programado lo está también después de su nacimiento. Al lado de su familia, cuyo ascendiente ha disminuido, hay otras estructuras de normalización que desde muy pronto se hacen cargo de él. En primer lugar, la televisión, convertida en la principal canguro y la distracción primordial de los niños. (...) Muy pronto, la televisión impondrá los criterios emocionales como superiores a los argumentos racionales. (...) El abismo entre la racionalidad y la publicidad se ha ahondado tanto ahora (...) que es difícil recordar que alguna vez haya existido la relación entre ellas: Hoy, en la televisión publicitaria, las proposiciones de lógica son tan raras como la gente fea.

(...) los psicologos ya están advirtiendo sobre los peligros de la realidad virtual: El centro de la personalidad se resitua en un cuerpo virtual dotado de capacidades suprahumanas. Al regreso de ese viaje, el jugador podría sufrir una sensación de insignificancia, de soledad acrecentada dentro del mundo real. En última instancia, una exposición demasiado frecuente a la realidad virtual induciría a una verdadera descomposición psicológica, haciendo una sangría en las fuerzas vivas de la personalidad en beneficio de uno o varios mundos virtuales.

(...) Hay un cuarto concepto que se ha modificado y es fundamental: el de la verdad de la información. Ahora, un hecho es verdad no porque corresponda a criterios objetivos, rigurosos y verificados en sus fuentes, sino sencillamente porque otros medios de comunicación repiten las mismas afirmaciones y confirman. Si la televisión, partiendo de un despacho o de una imagen de agencia, presenta una noticia y la prensa escrita y luego la radio vuelven a dar esta noticia, eso basta para acreditarla como veraz. (...) Los medios de comunicación ya no saben distinguir, estructuralmente, lo verdadero de lo falso.

(...) Muchos ciudadanos consideran que, confortablemente instalados en el sofá de su salón y viendo en la pequeña pantalla una sensacional cascada de acontecimientos a base de imágenes fuertes, violentas y espectaculares, pueden informarse seriamente. Es un error mayúsculo, por tres razones: primero, porque el informativo televisado, estructurado como una ficción, no está hecho para informar, sino para distraer. A continuación, porque la sucesión rápida de noticias breves fragmentadas (...) produce un doble efecto negativo de sobreinformación y desinformación. Y, finalmente, porque
querer informarse sin esfuerzo es una ilusión que tiene que ver con el mito publicitario más que con la movilización cívica. Informarse cansa y a este precio el ciudadano adquiere el derecho de participar inteligentemente en la vida democrática.

(...) Gigantescas concentraciones están en curso entre los gigantes del teléfono, el cable, la informática, el vídeo y el cine. Se suceden compras y fusiones, movilizando decenas de millares de millones de dólares; dentro de cinco años, apenas quedarán una decena de empresas en la palestra... Algunos sueñan con un mercado perfecto de la información y la comunicación, totalmente integrado gracias a las redes electrónicas y de satélites, sin fronteras, funcionando en tiempo real y en permanencia; lo imaginan construido sobre el modelo del mercado de capitales y flujos financieros ininterrumpidos... (...) Este nuevo mecano comunicacional y el regreso de los monopolios inquietan, y con razón, a los ciudadanos. Se acuerdan de las advertencias lanzadas no hace tanto tiempo por George Orwell y Aldous Huxley (...) contra el falso progreso de un mundo administrado por un pensamiento único. Temen la posibilidad de un condicionamiento sutil de las mentalidades a escala planetaria. Dentro del esquema industrial que han concedido los patrones de las empresas del ocio, todos constatan que la información es ante todo considerada como una mercancía y que este carácter es, con mucho, más fuerte que la misión fundamental de los medios de comunicación: iluminar y enriquecer el debate democrático.

Esto suscita en ciertos ciudadanos una sumisión sin límites, una indiferencia que algunos llaman consenso. Y en otros, un sentimiento cada vez más consciente y violento de que la acumulación de abusos, manipulaciones, y vigilancias, al servicio de los nuevos poderes, amenaza con corromper la democracia.
A riesgo de negar los principios y prácticas democráticas, los nuevos amos del mundo multiplican de este modo, con la complicidad de los Estados, las medidas preventivas de vigilancia, en especial de las poblaciones marginadas cada vez más numerosas por la crisis. Las herramientas futuristas de información y comunicación sirven más para el condicionamiento y el cerco de los ciudadanos que para su emancipación. ¿Es esto tolerable? Si nadie controla a los guardianes del nuevo orden social, ¿qué peligros para la democracia?"

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

2nd day

Today we are learning how to upload images and videos to our blog. We first save the images we want to use in our PC, and afterwards we upload it via the post editing application for images :

Appart from that, we have also practised how to upload a video from internet. First we've searched a video in the YouTube site, then we've copied its code for publishing it, and finally, we've pasted the code in this post:

Today we've discovered a new video-site for teachers: Teachertube.com. As we've found it interesting and very usefull, we've added it to the links in our blog, together with other links related to new technologies and visual thinking. You can also find a direct link to Moodle and the Uni-mail.

Friday, 10 October 2008

digital era

Surfing in the net we found some interesting videos in the Youtube site, which are related to this subject; some of them are about new technology applied to education, others are about technology. So, as they are a few of them for a post, we decided to make a couple of video players.

We made first a couple of playlists in Youtube, as a registered member (it´s easy to sign up: you just need an e-mail adress, fill on some information and create an account; then, you would be able to sign in to your account, search for videos, upload videos, generate favourites list, playlists, etc.):
  • in my account/my videos section, selecting New and Playlist, we created a couple of playlists; then, going to the favourites option, we just added the previously choosen videos to those playlists.
Afterwords we create a couple of personalized video players by the custom video players application, just following the instructions given in the process:
  • select create custom player option, fill on the required information, choose the design, select the playlist made before, and finally generate the code (by generate code), which we copied and pasted to this post (we made this a couple of times, getting, copying and pasting the two codes for the two video players).

The first video player contains a couple of videos about technology applied to education and the second one plays six videos about technology, education etc. So here you go:

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

1st day

Today we've done quite a few things. We started learning how to use the Uni-email and afterwards, we entered the moodle site to take part in both activities (profile and team work). We have used the last part of the lesson to build up this blog, and we are now just investigating and getting used to it.